The deanship of student affairs at Yarmouk University invites students who want to benefit from the financial assistance from the University for the first semester of the university year 2019/2020, review of the head of the Department of Loans and Assistance/Student Services Department in the deanship of Student Affairs office No. (121) or office No. (114) to receive the form approved and prepared for this purpose as of Thursday, 11/7/2019, and the deadline to deliver the application to the same office, supported by the documents requested and set out in the request for assistance, is Tuesday, 30 July 2019, the target group of students are:

Orphans whose families receive monthly aid from the Ministry of Social Development.
-Whose parents are unable to work for health reasons or are very old and have no fixed income.
-Those with two and more brothers/sisters are studying in universities and the income is low.
-Those with social and family problems that affect their maintenance.

Conditions for submitting the application:

-The student should not be an envoy or beneficiary of any other party.
-The student should not be taught in the parallel program or graduate studies
-The student should not be a beneficiary of the student support funds (loans and grants) for this semester.
-The student should be financially needy
-The student's academic rate should be at least 60%
-The student has not been sentenced to disciplinary punishment above the notice and has not been in the execution (or the end of its execution in the case of temporary dismissal from the university) more than one year


