* The final exams for the first semester 2019/2020 start on Saturday 04/01/2020 and end on Tuesday 14/01/2019.

* Saturday and Sunday 04-05/01/2020 are for computerized exams only.

* In the case of a unified examination for multi-divisional classes (three classes or more), the academic departments should coordinate with the deanship of the faculty to arrange the examination dates at the faculty which should be sent to the department of Admission and Registration.  For more information or for reserving the required halls, please contact the department of Admission and Registration at (2001, 2011) from Sunday 22/12/2019. The following times have been assigned during the examination period for grouping purposes:

* (13:30-15:30) is set to be for the exam days (except Saturday and Sunday 4-5/01/2019)

* The final exams dates consist of two tables:

A- the exams schedule for the courses taught in the time limits shown below are held in the same halls where courses were taught.

Lectures dates

Exams dates




08 - 09

Sun, Tues, Thurs



9 – 11

09 - 10

Sun, Tues, Thurs



9 – 11

10 – 11

Sun, Tues, Thurs



9 - 11

11 – 12

Sun, Tues, Thurs



9 - 11

12 – 13

Sun, Tues, Thurs



9 - 11

13 – 14

Sun, Tues, Thurs



9 - 11

14 – 15

Sun, Tues, Thurs



9 - 11

15 – 16

Sun, Tues, Thurs



9 - 11

16 - 17

Sun, Tues, Thurs



11:15- 13:15

08 – 09.30

Mon, Wed



11:15  -  13:15

09.30 – 11

Mon, Wed



11:15 -  13:15

11 – 12.30

Mon, Wed



11:15 -  13:15

12.30 – 14

Mon, Wed



11:15 -  13:15

14 – 15.30

Mon, Wed



11:15 -  13:15

15.30 - 17

Mon, Wed



11:15 -  13:15

B- Exams schedule for the graduate lectures which are held in the same halls where the courses are taught:

Lectures dates

Exams dates




14:00 – 15.30

Sun, Tues



13:30 – 15:30

15.30 – 17:00

Sun, Tues



13:30 – 15:30

12.30 – 14:00

Mon, Wed



13:30 – 15:30

14:00 – 15:30

Mon, Wed



13:30 – 15:30

15:30 – 17:00

Mon, Wed



13:30 – 15:30

15:00 – 16:00

Sun, Tues, Thurs



13:30 – 15:30

16:00 – 17:00

Sun, Tues, Thurs



13:30 – 15:30

17:00 – 18:00

Sun, Tues, Thurs



13:30 – 15:30















11:00 – 14:00


12:00 – 15:00





14:00 – 17:00


15:00 – 18:00





17:00 – 14:00


15:30 – 18:30





14:00 – 17:00


15:00 – 18:00





12:30 – 15:30


15:00 – 18:00





11:00 – 12:30

Mon, Wed





Mon, Wed




Note 1: Courses that are not included in the graduate exams schedule are scheduled during the final exam period by the course instructor

Note 2: The  dates of the lectures of the Dept. of Fine Arts follow the dates of their exams in table  (A) above.

Note 3: no exam should be appointed earlier than the dates set in the table; otherwise, the instructor takes full responsibility for changing the dates.

Note 4: If a day of holiday falls during the exam days, the exams on that day are postponed to the day following the last day of exams.

A meeting of the 2018/2019 Winter semester and the 2019/2020 Summer semester students will be held at Yarmouk University at 10 a.m. on Monday 28 October 2019 at the Faculty of Arts (Al-Kindi Amphitheatre) to distribute the judicial warranties to them.

Yarmouk University Investment Fund announces the possibility of renting the following facilities:

  1. Northern Store / Faculties of Economy and Mass communication
  2. Kiosk of Halls Complex
  3. Eastern store / Southern Housing
  4. The kiosk of the faculty of Arts
  5. The kiosk of the faculties of Economics and Mass communication
  6. Gym kiosk
  7. Student Deanship kiosk
  8. Law faculty kiosk
  9. some facilities inside the investment complex
  10. Garage (Parking)

Those interested should review the administration of the Investment Fund of Yarmouk University to check the renting terms and receive a copy of the auction participation. Offers are submitted in a sealed envelope with the offer guarantee of entry by (5%) of the rent value provided in the form of (certified bank guarantee, certified cheque, or cash). any offer received without this guarantee will not be considered. Deadline for receiving applications will be on Wednesday, 30 October 2019 at 2:00 p.m.

the price of the auction document is only 20 dinars (non-refundable).


In light of the Prime Minister directives, and based on the joint coordination between Yarmouk University and the Civil Service Bureau, the cadidates  should review Yarmouk University to attend the competitive examination for the job of aluminum craftsman assistant,  electrician assistant and carpenter technical assistant which will be held on Sunday 27 Oct. at 10:00 a.m. at the Department of Production, Maintenance and Training.


For more information, please call 7211111/ 2153

In light of the Prime Minister directives, and based on the joint coordination between Yarmouk University and the Civil Service Bureau, the aforementioned should review Yarmouk University to attend the personal interviews with regards to the job entitled "lighting and stage supervisor". The intreviews will be held on Wednesday 23 October 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Department of Human Resources.

Name                                                                          National No.

  1. Abdullah Ahmad Abd-Al-Rahman Hamada   9841022790
  2. Thamer Ra'fat Ghazi Hourani                          9901038135
  3. Ahmad Ali Naser Al-Jezawi                             9891056609

* please bring the ID card.

The make-up exam for the (comp 099) course will be held on Thursday 24/10/2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Khaz Lab 116, Al-Khwarizmi Building.

The Department of Physical Activity in the Deanship of Student Affairs starts an open table tennis tournament for students from 16 - 30/10/2019. If interested in participation, please consult the table tennis coach at the Gym no later than 14/10/2019.

For inquiries, contact Coach Fadi Al-Qadmani :

Tel: 0780705858


Department of Physical Activity


The Council of Deans at Yarmouk University decided to replace the B2 Delph exam with FREN 404 (French language qualification for graduate students) by 6 credit hours for those who have not passed the Delph exam. Students can now enroll in the Masters program of French Language. Noting that this decision  will facilitate the process of admitting graduate students. This is an achievement of Yarmouk University, which has never failed to facilitate the admission procedures for graduate students.

Students who have applied electronically for undergraduate degree on the parallel program should visit their website through which they applied and see the result of their admission, and those who have met the conditions (the result of the application is acceptable) must print the application through the website and bring the signed application with the required documents and fees of (12) hours. Afterwards, they should review the registrar of the discipline in the Admissions and Registration Department, to complete their admission procedures on Thursday, 3/10/2019, and Sunday 6/10/2019 from 9: 00 to 12:00. Anyone who is absent from the deadline would have his registration refrained.

To check applications, please visit the link



The make-up for the final exam of AL101, AL099, EL099, EL101 courses for the summer semester 2018/2019 will be held on 10/10/2019 at 1:00 p.m. in AL-Khawarizmi building (101, 103, 111, 116, 213, 217, 226)

Please be 15 minutes ahead of schedule and present the university ID, Jordanian civil status ID or a passport to non-Jordanians. It will not be allowed to enter the exam without any of them and the exam will not be held again.

The make-up for the final exam of the course Fitness for All (sc1103) will be on Sunday 20/10/2019 at 3:00 p.m. in the faculty of Physical Education


The make-up for the final exam of Computer Skills (SCI108) and Information Technology (SCI102) courses will be on Monday 21/10/2019 at 9:30 a.m. in Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah building

(PHU 102)


The Dean of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies announces the names of candidates for admission to graduate programs - eighth group- of Jordanian students for the first semester 2019/2020. Students should review the deanship of scientific research and graduate studies on Sunday 06/10/2019 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., accompanied by the identification papers shown below, and then go to the Department of Admissions and Registration to complete their admission procedures,; otherwise, the registration would be refrained.

Required identification papers

Note: No student admission procedures will be completed in the if there is a lack of required documentation.

- Two duly certified copies of the master's transcript (for doctoral students).

- Two duly certified copies of bachelor's transcript.

- Two duly certified copies of the master's certificate (for doctoral students).

- Two duly certified copies of a bachelor's certificate.

Note: (Students can certify copies of certificates from the Deanship of Student Affairs at Yarmouk University if they hold the original certificates certified by the Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education).

- Two copies certified by the Civil Status Department for ID card or birth certificate.

- The military Service Book for Jordanian males born in 1989 and beyond, or a certificate of termination or exemption.

- A no-objection letter to those who work in the Jordanian armed forces, public security services, or any other entity that requires the applicant to obtain its prior approval (for Jordanians only).

- An equation for non-Jordanian certificates that need an equation, from the Ministry of Higher Education.

- Grading System for certificates that are in the system of points or letters from the University of which these certificates are issued.

- Two photos measuring (4 x 6).

- Two copies of the TOEFL exam mark or its equivalent.


Dean of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies

Prof. Qasim Hammori


Students who have applied electronically for undergraduate degree on the parallel program should visit their website through which they applied and see the result of their admission, and those who have met the conditions (the result of the application is acceptable) must print the application through the website and bring the signed application with the required documents and fees of (12) hours. Students should also review the registrar of the discipline in the Admissions and Registration Department to complete their admission procedures on Thursday, 3/10/2019, and Sunday 6/10/2019. Anyone who is absent from the deadline is considered an outgoing.

To follow up the application, click here



The make-up exam of the National Education Course for the last summer semester is scheduled next Sunday, 6 October 2019, at 1:00 p.m. in the Hall NO. (002) in the Faculty of Arts, only for students whose excuses were accepted.


Students who have applied online admission applications for the undergraduate degree / the parallel program should visit their academic profiles through which they applied and see the result of their admission. Students who have met the conditions (the result of the application is acceptable) must print the online application and bring the signed application with the required documents and fees of (12) hours. Afterwards, they should review the registrar of the discipline in the Admissions and Registration Department to complete their admission procedures on Wednesday 2/10/2019. Missing the deadline would make the registration declined.

To follow up the application, please click



Students who were accepted in the first and second semesters of 2018/2019 and were assigned with (E 404) and who did not register it during their admission semester or summer semester of 2018/2019 without passing the level exam of Yarmouk University to date, must register the course (E 404) on the first semester 2019/2020, or succeed the English level exam at Yarmouk University during the first semester 2019/2020; otherwise, the student will lose his seat and thus fail in the rehabilitation program.

الطلاب الأعزاء

نود إعلامكم بتوفر منح للطلاب المتميزين الحاصلين على درجة البكالوريوس من جامعة اليرموك لمتابعة دراستهم العليا في التخصصات التالية:

  • العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية
  • الإدارة العامة واقتصاديات التنمية
  • علم النفس والعمل الاجتماعي
  • إدارة النزاع والعمل الإنساني

مدة المنحة سنتين وتغطي مصاريف الدراسة والإقامة والسفر والتأمين الصحي.

شروط التقدم:

  • أن يكون تقدير البكالوريوس جيد جداً على الأقل.
  • الحصول على معدل 520 في امتحان TOEFL، أو 5.5 في امتحان IELTS

الموقع الالكتروني للمعهد: https://www.dohainstitute.edu.qa

رابط تقديم طلب القبول:


تواريخ التقديم

الأثنين 1أكتوبر 2018

بداية تقديم ​طلب القبول الإلكتروني​

الجمعة 15 فبراير 2019

آخر موعد لتقديم طلب القبول الإلكتروني​​ 

يعلن مركز اللغات في جامعة اليرموك عن استمرار التسجيل في دورة تدريب معلمي اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها التي ستعقد في الفترة الواقعة بين السبت 3/11/2018 والسبت 22/12/2018، بواقع (46) ساعة نظرية وتطبيقية.

وتعمل الدورة على تهيئة الراغبين في الانخراط في مجال تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها من خلال طرح المحاور والعناوين الآتية: أساليب تعليم المهارات اللغوية المختلفة – النصوص والاختبارات - تصميم المناهج -  المعلم والمتعلم – صفوف المحتوى.

ويقوم بتدريب المنتسبين للدورة أساتذة من ذوي الخبرة والكفاءة في الحقل المذكور.

  • رسوم الدورة : (250) دينار تدفع نقدا عند التسجيل.
  • للاستفسار والتسجيل يرجى الاتصال بالرقم 0796557734
  • آخر موعد للتسجيل : الخميس الموافق 1/11/2018

ملاحظة : تلغى الدورة في حال عدم اكتمال العدد المطلوب.
