Dear colleagues,

Dear students,

Please strongly aware of filling out (unreliable and unknown) questionnaires via the email or various social media that require your personal data, for example: quadrant name, national number, university number, computerized number, and/ or mobile number, etc.

We also confirm the importance of knowing the source and reliability of the questionnaires knowing that the university's official questionnaires are sent through the employees' e-mails ( and the students' emails (; they are issued exclusively from the university's official e-mail accounts (

Such unknown questionnaires impose risks represented in misusing personal information, extortion, and downloading malicious software on the personal computers or mobile devices so as to make them subject to the control of attackers, etc.

God bless everyone.

Students wishing to submit a transfer request (conversion) from one program to another and subject to the terms of transfer should review the Department of Admissions and Registration, 2nd Floor, Office (209-213) to submit the changing request with the university ID and the financial department receipt of paying the application fee according to the appointments :

Students wishing to change their programs



Faculties of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Law, and Education



Faculties of Shari'a and Eslamic Studies, Mass Communication, and Information Technology and Computer Sciences



Faculties of Hijjawi for Engineering Technology, Science, Tourism and Hotel Management, and Fine Arts



Faculties of Physical Education, Archaeology And Anthropology, and Arts



Students who are late to apply from all faculties



Important Notes:

  • No change to the programs of medicine, pharmacy, architecture and Persian language, nor from one program to another within the Faculty of Arts.


  • Applications that did not meet the requirements will not be considered.

The changing results will appear at the beginning of the summer semester 2018/2019.


  • A changing request fee in the regular program is (5) dinars.


  • A changing request fee in the parallel program (JD 10).


  • Conditions of submitting applications for changing program of study (for undergraduate students):


* Submit one changing request and choose one program only.

     * The student may not have already moved from one department to                 another


*  It must not be dismissed from the department s/he wishes to change to


*  The application for changing and fulfilling the conditions does not mean the student's transfer, but the vacancy must be available.



Conditions of changing from one program to another


First: the change should be regarding to the secondary grades and by reason of acceptance as shown below:


A- Students who are accepted according to competition: their rate in the secondary certificate must be higher than or equal to the rate of program they wish to change by the year of his/her admission at the university.

B- Students whose acceptance base is non-competition: the rate of program that the student has competitively accepted in is higher than the program's rate s/he wishes to change to. Or his/her rate in the secondary certificate should be higher than or equal to the rate of the program s/he wishes to change by the year of his/her admission at the university.

Second: The change in accordance with the cumulative rate:


-  He has to be studied at least 30 credit hours successfully at the university and has a number marks, as it included into his study plan, and he obtained a cumulative estimation of at least very good at the end of the semester, including (9) credit hours-identified and posted on the university site-in the program that s/he wishes to change to it, and the marks of any of the three course must not be under (70%) .

-The old changing system of (6 hours) will be done until the end of this semester (second semester 2018/2019) only.

Important notes:


- There is no change to the Faculty of Medicine.

- Students who have accepted in the faculty of Fine Art may not change to another programs on the regular system, but on the parallel system.

- Students whose rates in the Secondary certificate are less than (80%), are not allowed changing to the programs of the faculties of Pharmacy and Hajtawi even if they achieve the other conditions.

- Students whose rates in the Secondary certificate are less than (75%), are not be allowed changing to the disciplines of the faculty of Shari'a even if they achieve other conditions.

-  Students who wish to change to the faculty of Physical Education must pass the prescribed medical examination.

- Students who wish to change to the disciplines of the faculty of Fine Arts must pass the prescribed capacity test.

- Programs of child rearing and class teacher are allowed for females only.

- Director of Admissions and Registration department

Imad Ghassab

Registration dates for the summer semester 2018/2019


Student Categories

Registration dates for the first period

Registration dates for the second period


Expected graduate students + disabled students (Supreme disheartening students)
















16:00 pm





in the



of the


 next day


All years Pharmacy students + students with excellent BA 84% and more (Faculty of Arts only)




Students with excellent BA average -84% and more (rest faculties




All students of the Faculty of Medicine



13:00- 14:00


Students of 2015 and years before2015: Faculties of Hijjawi, Sciences, IT, and Education


14:00- 15:00


Students of 2015 and previous years- all faculties


15:00- 16:00


2016 -students of the faculties of: Arts, Archeology, Shari'a, and Tourism



13:00- 14:00


2016- students of the faculties of: Mass Communication

, Hijjawi, Sciences, PE, IT


14:00- 15:00


2016- students of the faculties of: Economy and Administrative Sciences, Law, Education, Fine Arts


15:00- 16:00


2017- students of the faculties of: Sciences, Hijjawi, Fine Arts, Law, and Mass Communication











13:00- 14:00


2017- students of the faculties of: Economics and Administrative Sciences, PE, Education, IT


14:00- 15:00


2017 -students of the faculties of: Arts, Archeology, Shari'a, and Tourism


15:00- 16:00


2018 - students of the faculties of: Economics and Administrative Sciences, Shri'a, Education, IT










13:00- 14:00


2018-  students of the faculties of: Arts, Archeology, Tourism, and Fine Arts


14:00- 15:00


2018 - students of the faculties of: Sciences, Hijjawi, PE, Mass Communication, and Law


15:00- 16:00


Important notes:

*the registration dates for students who were transferred are according to the years of their accetance and their new university ID numbers.

*If an official holiday occurs within the period of registration, the registration dates are transferred from that day to the day following the last registration day.

*Students of the 2017 class and above must deposit the hours fee with the service fees (prepayment) before starting the registration process for the summer semester of 2018-2019.

Please note that Al-Khawarizmi labs are busy in holding the exams of the Languages center from the period 21-24/4/2019.



Second Scientific Research Conference:

Linking the Scientific Research Results with the Practical Reality

The Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies intend to hold its second scientific research conference, entitled "Linking the Scientific Research Results with the Practical Reality" for the period 3-4/7/2019 at the university. For people interested in participating in the conference sessions in the areas described in the attached conference brochure, please contact us either via telephone or email.

Conference Brochure link


The Deanship of Students Affairs at Yarmouk University is delighted to invite students to benefit from four grants presented from the secretary general of the Jordanian Community Council in sisterly Kuwait, Mr. Nabil Al Abd Allah. The value of each grant is (1000) dinars paid only once.

Students interested in the grants should visit the Loans and Assistance Section/ Dept. of Students Services in the Deanship of Students Affairs, Office No. (121) to receive the application as of Thursday, 4/4/2019. The deadline for handing over the applications in addition to other required documents is Tuesday, 9/4/2019.


First: the student should be in need.

Second: the student should not be a scholarship student from any agency.

Third: The student should hold the Jordanian nationality.

Fourth: The student should not be charged with a disciplinary punishment of a warning and more.

Fifth: The student should have completed studying (32) certified hours with an average of not less than (80%).

Sixth: The student should not be an employee or a retired employee.

Seventh: the student should not study within the parallel program nor is he a postgraduate student.

The competency-based test for the graduates of the second and summer semesters of 2018/2019 will be held on Wednesday, 17/4/2019 and Thursday, 18/4/2019 in the labs of Al-Khwarizmi and Al-Maqdisi.

For more information, please click on this link
